At certain diseases, massaging of the whole body is recommended till sweating. Sweating is caused by a reasonable power, which wants to show you that all pores of the body should be open. The first treatment, which needs sweating, washing of the body. Perspiration happens in the best way by drinking of hot water, boiling water, from 1 to 10 cups at most. At drinking hot water, it goes through the pores out, opens them and this restores health. Pores are channels, openings of the soul. Soul breathes through the pores. Through lungs a specific breathing is performed, and through the skin pores, general breathing happens. And when the specific and general breathing happen simultaneously, one is healthy generic viagra online.
Water is highly intelligent and reasonable. It freshens and refreshes. Future physiologists will explain one of the great properties of water, by which people can be treated. Many neurotics suffer with lack of water in the organism, with very little moisture; others suffer with stagnant water, which does not spread throughout the body, because it is clogged.
You will take the glass of water, will look at it, and get it close to your lips and take only one sip. While drinking, you will think only about it. Water cleans the organism only in this way. It introduces the Divine good in people only in this way. You will take water internally for cleaning. Modern people do external water baths, but the result is weak. If one does not make regularly, three times a day – in the morning, at noon, and in the evening – by one internal bath with clean water, he may not rely on any hygiene. In the way you perceive water, in the same way you will perceive light and air. It means to be healthy, well- dis-disposed, and satisfied.
Due to unnatural life, people have accumulated in their organisms lactic and uric acids, which are harmful to the heart and circulation. Then one will fidget for hours in bed, he will not be able to fall asleep. How could he sleep in this situation? For sleeping well, he needs to improve his circulation. For this purpose, at least twice a week, one shall induce sweating by drinking water: one shall drink several glasses of hot water, in which a few drops of lemon could be squeezed. When he gets well perspired, he shall wipe the body by a damp towel and change the clothes. He shall sweat again, wipe again by a dry towel and so on until sweat stops coming out. After that let him drink another half or one glass of hot water. It helps for releasing the blood from the accumulated in it lactic and uric acids. To be a healthy person, one shall have absolutely clean blood.